Saturday, November 1, 2008

Module Six: Planning for Student Success

This module has helped me to think about self-directed learners and the role of differentiation in the following ways:

I need to be more inclusive both in terms of self-direction opportunities and accommodating a wider range of approaches to learning. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Module Five: Assessing Student Progress

This module has prompted me to think about student-centered assessment in the following ways:

Involving students in the assessment process--from the creation of rubrics to peer reviews--will add weeks to my initial estimate of three weeks . . .

And if I involve them in creating rubrics, I must involve them in creating the unit--and if I involve them in creating the unit, I must give them the latitude to decide the configuration of the unit, and ultimately let them decide what we study. I see, ultimately, a non-directivist classroom.

Wow . . . I've come a long way baby.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Module Four Reflection

Technology most effectively supports student learning when it provides an opportunity for learners to showcase both their technical expertise and their knowledge of subject--in this case, Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice as text and film. Finding the balance between technical skill and a deeper knowledge of subject is not always easy. We have all seen situations develop in a classroom or professional setting where technical skill far outstrips content knowledge. The products that result from this imbalance may look terrific but they are most often lacking in any kind of depth or analytical sophistication.  When the skewing is in the direction of knowledge of subject over technical skill, the product often shows little understanding of design principles. In my own work and in that of my students I want to see that necessary balance.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Module Three Reflection

Monitoring group work is always a challenge.  Working with my colleagues to identify ways to keep students focused and on task was both a lot of fun and useful.  

I am also more aware of the some of the organizational challenges my students face as they attempt to organize their online resources for class projects in both Film Studies and English. These activities have also made me more aware of appropriate online use constraints.

I really do look forward to developing my Merchant of Venice unit plan.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Second Day: Intel

This module has helped me think about using standards and formative assessments in the following ways:

Focusing my teaching to give students a chance to reflect on less content

Using more formative assessments as a way to give students a better range of ways to foreground their understanding of the task at hand

Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Day: Intel

A hectic but productive day that has required me to stretch a bit on a new platform.  It will get easier . . .

This module has made me think about my role as an instructional designer in the following ways:

I have technology challenges that I thought I left behind years ago--

It is much easier to think about my students' learning and my course components in increments shorter than an entire unit plan!  

My teaching is digressive and I have to leave room for this in the unit plan on Shakespeare.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The First Day of Summer School 2008

So, I am sitting here as Tom talks about how to set up a blog. Some of the internship kids are already posting--and it has been a fascinating read. What is happening with a number of these students is that they are finding themselves being taken seriously in the outside world for the first time. One student who is interning at The Miami Herald has discovered that people "hop to" when she phones and identifies herself as a reporter for a big city paper. Another student is finding reservoirs of energy and physical strength as she tackles the challenges of boot camp. Other students will write from locations throughout the world. This promises to be an amazing summer in terms of my access to the kids' reflections on their learning.